Prophet Brian kagyezi honored for changing many lives as he celebrated his birthday.

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Last weekend was one of the most phenomenal weekends in the month of the supernatural as the world joined Pneuma Word Ministries to celebrate the gifts of God to this generation, Prophet Brian kagyezi and his wife prophetess Doreen Kagyezi as they celebrated their birthdays.

The 3 days celebration dubbed the royal birth weekend was organized by the sons and daughters of the Prophet.

The birthday celebrations began with a charity event on Saturday morning with the ladies’ ministry spearheaded by Prophetess Doreen Kagyezi who reached out to at least 50 young single mothers living in the church neighborhood villages and donated food items.

The charity event was followed by a youth service also known as the Huios fellowship which is characterized with high school students whohonored the birthday celebrants with electric praise and exhilarating danceperformances.

The weekly Mega Sunday service was organized special for theProphets as the official celebrations day which was no ordinary given how theheavens opened with a testimony of the gift of the Prophet as there was a heavydown pour of rain for 5 straight hours and despite the long hours of rain, itdid not deter congregants from braving it to attend the occasion.

The special service was attended by friends and family ofthe Prophet to whom some were surprise invited guests like Apostle JonathanBabara, Mr. Kalyango Patrick, Racheal Ntare, Dr. Herbert Aguma, Solomon Nsumba,Kajambiya and many others.

Friends, sons and daughters of the Prophets paid their tribute to theProphet for personally touching their lives by his divine wisdom and counsel.

“You cannot talk about Prophet Brian and not talk about prophecy. He hasspoken in my personal life and I have seen the word he spoke come to pass” SaidPatrick Kalyango, a childhood friend to Prophet Brian who also studied with himfrom primary to university.

The surprises were not only friends to the Prophet in Uganda but also men ofGod from Kenya, Burundi and Tanzania who shared birthday video messages tocelebrate the Prophet.

The special service was crowned by a special song written and sang by PneumaWord church choir, the perfected who sealed the day of the Prophet with a bigsmile.

Without any delays, the chariot Prophet Brian Kagyezi took to the pulpit andexpressed his joy in few words and thanked the church for the surprise.

“You have really surprised me and I am very happy, my heart is full ofjoy,” said the Prophet with a smile on his face.

“It is not easy to surprise a Prophet but this one, you got me”

The chariot took no more time and moved to usher thecongregation into prayer as a result he began to demonstrate the spirit throughprophecy as it is his custom.

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